If you are an employee and a UK taxpayer, Payroll Giving (also known as Give As You Earn) is a tax-efficient and easy way for you to donate regularly through your salary. Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can donate via Payroll Giving. There is no minimum or maximum amount.
By donating through payroll giving, you are gifting us regular, sustainable and unrestricted funding. This is the stuff that charity CEOs go to bed every night dreaming of. It helps us ensure PTS is a sustainable, efficient organisation and gives us the flexibility to act quickly and respond effectively to unexpected and emerging issues.
Donations are administered via payroll meaning you donate straight from your gross salary. It’s super easy, and allows us to benefit from the tax relief. So, for example, if you pay the basic 20% tax rate and pledge £10 via Payroll Giving, PTS receives the full £10 but only £8 is deducted from your salary. Essentially, the income tax due is donated to PTS rather than paid to HMRC. Magic! It is also more efficient for higher rate taxpayers to donate through Payroll Giving, as opposed to Gift Aid, as, like all charities, we’re unable to claim back tax above the basic rate through the Gift Aid scheme.
To set up a Payroll Giving scheme, your employer will need to register with an approved Payroll Giving agency. Our agency is Charities Aid Foundation (or CAF) so if you want to be able to donate to PTS, you will need your employer to register with them.
If you want to change or cancel your Payroll Giving donation at any time, simply tell your employer. If you change your job, you will need to start a new Payroll Giving donation with your new employer.