Image description: three animated pregnant women, standing up with their hands on their hips looking serious

Pregnant then Screwed welcomes the investment in mental health support for new mothers

Joeli Brearley of Pregnant then Screwed had this to say:

“It is very welcome news that the Government has pledged £100 million towards mental health support programmes for new mothers. The pandemic has had a serious impact on the wellbeing of these women with our own research of over 15,000 pregnant women in June 2021 showing that 9 in 10 felt the virus had damaged their mental wellbeing, and a third of mothers described their mental health as poor.

When you look at the specific experiences of this group during the pandemic it is no wonder their mental health is so fragile: pregnant women have been more at risk of serious disease should they catch Covid19 affecting their health and that of their unborn child; restrictions have meant that many pregnant women have had to attend hospital appointments on their own with some even giving birth alone; post natal appointments have been done online meaning mental health issues are less likely to be identified; restrictions have meant that the sense of isolation experienced by many new mothers has been amplified; and the closure of schools and childcare facilities has left many mothers desperately trying to juggle an overwhelming number of commitments leaving them stressed and sleep deprived. It is imperative that we prioritise the mental wellbeing of new mums as poor mental health amongst this group can have a serious impact on the whole family.”


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