From our latest research, we know that pregnancy and maternity discrimination has not went anywhere. 37% more women risk being forced out of the workplace due to pregnancy and maternity discrimination than in 2016.
Pregnant Then Screwed surveyed 35,800 parents, then Women In Data® extracted a nationally representative sample of 5,870 parents to create its State of the Nation report. The report found that 12.3% of women are sacked, constructively dismissed or made redundant whilst pregnant, on maternity leave or within a year of returning from maternity leave. When scaled up to represent the entirety of the UK, this means that up to 74,000 women risk being forced from the workplace due to pregnancy and maternity discrimination – compared to 54,000 in 2016.
On top of this:
– Half (49.5%) of pregnant women, those on maternity leave, and those returning from maternity leave say they had a negative experience at work.
– Of those who had a negative experience, 1 in 5 (20.6%) left their employer.
– A third (35.9%) of women say they were sidelined or demoted whilst pregnant, on maternity leave, or when they return from maternity leave.
– Despite all of this, just 2% of women who experience discrimination raise a tribunal claim.