
I didn’t get paid as my line manager failed to notify payroll I’d come back to work

I returned to work from maternity leave with a local authority to comments from my line manager that the service budget was overspent due to my maternity. Then in a directorate action plan, a senior manager cited a budget overspend for my service was due to maternity leave. I am the only person in my service who had maternity leave so easily identifiable. This action plan was sent out to the whole directorate. This has made me feel upset and angry. Prior to this my line manager failed to notify payroll about me being pregnant and in my last week work having not heard from them about my pay schedule I was trying to prepare for leaving and sort out his error and then when I returned to work from maternity I didn’t get paid as my line manager failed to notify payroll I’d come back to work. I have had some legal advice to address this informally which I have started to do but so far no apology for the errors, just usual response saying “sorry you feel this way” rather than “sorry for our errors”.


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