
I have 3 children and experienced discrimination with each one

I had my contract terminated early aged 25 and pregnant in 2009. Then in 2011 aged 28 I was made redundant within 6 weeks of being back at work after maternity leave. I also had a contract terminated aged 27. I threatened the last company with an employment tribunal and they paid me off the whole value of the remaining contract (£10k) in a compromise agreement. The second company paid me a whole year salary (£38k). Both times extremely upsetting & damaging to my confidence. I am now 32 and have 3 children ages 6, 4 & 2. I constantly warn my friends who are starting to get pregnant aged 32 on the reality of pregnancy and maternity if you work in the City of London. There’s a hazy thought process that as there is legislation, it is a resolved issue. Of local mums about 50% were made redundant from City jobs during or after maternity leave.


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