I was hired as a part-qualified accountant and it was known that I was a single parent. I worked part-time for the company for a number of years then I met my now husband. My husband worked in London four days a week and was at home for three – we decided to have a baby and were blessed to get pregnant quickly. I had my daughter and very unexpectedly found out 16 weeks after having her I was pregnant again (The girls are now ten months apart). This meant one maternity leave would lead into another. A month after having my second daughter I received a letter saying the company was being re-organised and redundancies where expected and specific jobs were available. I found myself at a huge disadvantage as since I had been off a year, a new computer system had been installed and this was sited as one of the main criteria for the new jobs. I was the only member of staff to be made redundant.
Since my redundancy another member of staff was hired with the same qualifications as myself in a full time capacity but with a slight variation of the job title. And further now the company has hired two further trainee accountants and has expanded. I definitely do feel that as I had had two children close together and my husband worked away, I was focussed on to not be fit for my job and so was made redundant by the company re-organisation.