
I was made to carry heavy boxes at 30 weeks pregnant

In 2019 I was working in a research role at a university. I had extremely bad morning sickness, I didn’t need to be hospitalised luckily, but I spent 99% of the time feeling very sick. I also had very low blood pressure so often felt dizzy and weak. Due to sickness and dizziness I asked my supervisor if I could work from home and join meetings virtually as I didn’t feel comfortable doing a two hour round drive every time we had a meeting. She told me that we would need to have a meeting about this because I clearly wasn’t a good fit for the role, despite about 90% of the role being able to be carried out virtually, and her having no problem with me working from home before. After this meeting, she would continually insist that I came into the office because printing needed to be done (note, my role was not administrative) and various other reasons. I was also made to collect boxes of documents and carry them across campus and up two flights of stairs whilst about 30 weeks pregnant. I was shocked at how I was treated, especially as she is a mother herself, she had no compassion about how ill I felt. I never complained because I was never sure if it was true pregnancy discrimination. Looking back now though, I think it was.


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