I decided that as all of my operational responsibilities had been taken away from me, and that I was no longer being invited to management meetings, my role was effectively gone. I looked for another job, got one within a week on better pay, holidays and benefits. I resigned giving my two months notice. The Group MD said he had expected this given the issues with the baby. So my demise had been decided from that initial request to work a TEMPORARY four day week. The new MD said it saved him having to make me redundant, then asked for me to leave immediately – something unheard of within the group. He was effectively kicking me out the door. Lots of issues followed, around returning laptops, letting clients know etc. The service levels that could not afford me on a temporary four day week were now completely dire and client complaints came in aplenty. I did not get paid appropriately for my notice period (twice) and this was confounded by the fact I was forbidden to speak to any of my colleagues to resolve it. I resorted to getting my husband to negotiate my agreed salary payments.
I was treated like a leper just because I had a baby and dared to ask for temporary flexible working while in a senior position. I got the last laugh though – as the other staff who witnessed my ill treatment have all now left which has made the merger pointless. I am also in a much better job working with mature people and a place where mothers are treated with the respect they deserve.