I had been a temporary manager for a retail chain in 2000 when they finally got a permanent manager. After training her I went back to my old job as full time (although on 0 hours contract) sales.
In 2001 I became pregnant and upon telling her she informed me that it wouldn’t be safe for me to work alone in the store (as I had done) and therefore would call me when I was needed. I never had another shift there.
After a month of no work I had to resign. I then find out a few weeks later she had become pregnant too. She worked until her maternity leave had her baby and resigned. She informed the team that her husband earned enough and she didn’t need the job anyway!
Meanwhile, I couldn’t get maternity benefits because The only work I could get was temping (the temping company were amazing) and ended up on income support after my girl were born. I would have returned as soon as maternity leave finished and wouldn’t have had as much stress as I did. Unfortunately I was 21 and didn’t have a clue how to complain.