7th October 2021 The NHS has apologised for it’s sexist advice asking pregnant women to make sure their partners aren’t feeling “overlooked”.
We look through information around maternity laws and guidance all day everyday. But when we stumbled across the NHS guidance for pregnant women in their second trimester we couldn’t believe our eyes. The NHS was advising women to “make a fuss” over their partner and to “cook them a special meal” so they didn’t feel neglected in pregnancy. They also suggested that pregnant women ask their partner to “help” them with chores which blatantly suggests all domestic labour is a woman’s responsibility (what year is it again?)
After bringing this to your attention on social media you wonderful people let them HAVE IT! The NHS has since apologized and is revising their advice. Sometimes it can be tough and disheartening when we feel like it’s quite difficult to make change happen. But look at what we did together, overnight by making our opinions heard! There’s no limit to what we can do. Thanks to everyone for getting riled up and being noisy. This is the kind of momentum we love and need to see!
By Taryn Robinson & Lauren Fabianski