
Questions for Canvassers & Hustings

Sometimes it’s difficult to think of the best questions to ask when political canvassers knock on your door so we’ve made you a list of conversation starters and key stats for next time the doorbell rings.
These questions could also come in handy if you’re attending a local hustings (a meeting where election candidates or parties debate policies and answer questions from the audience) if you want to find out where the candidates in your area stand on some of the biggest issues that make up the motherhood penalty.

On Paternity & Maternity Leave

  • Maternity & paternity pay is currently less than half of the minimum wage. Does your party believe statutory pay of £184.03 a week is enough for new parents and partners to survive on when they have a new child?
  • Pregnant Then Screwed YouGov polling found that just 18% of Brits think 2 weeks of paternity leave is long enough, what is your party’s stance on this?
  • Pregnant Then Screwed research found 1 in 5 dads had no parental leave options available to them following the birth or adoption of their most recent child. What is your party going to do to make sure self employed dads and partners as well as those who have recently changed jobs can access paid paternity leave?

On Flexible Working

  • The law recently changed to give people a day 1 right to request flexible working; but a right to request is a right to decline and Pregnant Then Screwed research found that 4 in 10 mothers are not granted the flexible working they need and ask for. What will your party do to ensure more people can access the flexible working they need?

On Access To Justice

  • Pregnant Then Screwed research finds 435,000 mothers in the UK have been gagged by a non disclosure agreement after experiencing workplace harassment, discrimination or bullying. What will your party do to make sure women can speak freely about their experiences, and employers can be exposed for shady and unlawful behaviour?
  • Those experiencing pregnancy and maternity discrimination currently have just three months to raise an employment tribunal claim from the point that discrimination occurs. This contributes towards less than 1% of those who experience this kind of discrimination raising a claim and allows employers to continue to discriminate freely. How will your party address this barrier to justice?

On Childcare

  • What is your party’s plan to make sure all children can access high quality early years education and all parents can access affordable childcare?
  • With providers continuing to close their doors due to mounting costs and a huge staff recruitment and retention crisis in the childcare and early years sector, what is your party’s plan to make sure the sector is sustainable?

On Support For Parents Of Children With SEND

  • Pregnant Then Screwed research finds that 56% of parents with a disabled child say that they, or their partner, has had to reduce the hours they work due to a lack of suitable childcare or school options for their child. What will your party do to support these families?
  • Employers must make reasonable adjustments to make sure workers with disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions, are not substantially disadvantaged when doing their jobs. However, no such protections are available to parents of disabled children. What will your party do to ensure parents of disabled children have fair access to work?


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