
Sole parent of a 5-year-old struggling to cope

I am a sole parent to a five-year-old. Despite being furloughed in the first pandemic, I now found myself working from home and trying to educate a five-year-old. On top of this I have to support my mom who has cancer with GP/hospital visits. Whilst work have been flexible with me, I still have to do my hours but I am exhausted. My child is suffering and wants to be next to me or jumping on me whilst I work.

I work in a role where I need to be speaking to people all day. I am neither doing a good job of work or parenting as I can’t juggle them. As a sole parent I have absolutely no support. I have considered going sick but our sick policy is four weeks and whilst that may cover now, I don’t know how to plan for future lockdowns if they happen. Really struggling and can’t get help from school as I am not a key worker. I already suffer from anxiety and am on tablet for it. I am behind on my mortgage as I took a break from it last year and I just can’t cope at moment.


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