
I’m utterly appalled, shamed and upset

I left for maternity November 2014 , I always got nasty but yet what they thought funny comments even when I was there, I suffered SPD and I have a very soft and short cervix which caused me to bleed all through my pregnancy. I work in a factory/shop so hard manual lifting was stopped immediately so the nasty comments started “lazy” “making it up” I left and from day one it started, baby shower, nobody arrived, baby was born , no well wishes let alone a card, my place for works Xmas meal was cancelled ” I probably didn’t want to go” . All contact I made was ignored, personal and work committed. Then it’s all come to a blow in the last few weeks, I’ve not been contacted for work meetings or work outings and tonight it’s a works night out and the reason I wasn’t invited ” you had a baby so you brought this on your self” I’m utterly appalled, shamed and upset that so called friends can treat people like this


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